a r a j a n e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

i'm beginning to think it will never stop raining // 2002-04-16

last night in the grocery store, i stood in line behind a woman who bought a liter of pepsi, a six-pack of budweiser, a very large box of ding-dongs, and a carton of cigarettes. boy, that depressed me. but then again, i was buying cat food and a bouquet of flowers i can't afford (pretty pink and white anemones... mmmm), so i'm wondering who's the idiot now?

i cooked dinner for me and c last night, and it was very, very nice. i reverted back to my healthy, vegan ways, and made brown rice with steamed vegetables and tofu, with a homemade lemon flax sauce. it was satisfying.

i've been a little glum about the weather lately, and jealous of everyone who's flouncing around in the sunshine in sf and ny. last night it started raining hard while i was walking back from the store, and when i got in it turned into a downpour. and then there was thunder and lightening! if there's anything better than sunshine it's a thunder storm. i turned on some blossom dearie and cooked and felt very, very safe. walking outside this morning was equally nice, with the grass all wet and the air all fresh. the great thing about seattle is at least the rain makes it perpetually green.

(sometimes i think my life is very boring, but most of the time i don't care.)

before // after

43 things