a r a j a n e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

bob seger + tintin = 80s summer fun // 2002-07-11

i've been listening to bob seger to morning. don't laugh, but i love bob seger and his silver bullet band. i think it's because it reminds me of growing up with my mom in spokane. she was in law school, raising me and my sister alone, doing the 80s thing, wearing gauchos and smoking and driving a pinto. at one point i think she even did coke! (careful, mom, or you're going to turn into howard hesseman.) she would jam out to bob seger and me and my sister would sing along, too. night moves in particular makes everything feel like summer.

woke last night to the sound of thunder
how far off i sat and wondered
started humming a song from 1962
ain't it funny how the night moves
just don't seem to have as much to lose
strange how the night moves
autumn closing in**

i just picked up some more tintin when arno and i went to zanadu the other day after work. i felt like i needed something sweet and simple. and i was remembering this morning, while reading the crab with the golden claws on the bus, that i stumbled across tintin in the library when i was in 4th grade and i thought it was marvelous. in fact, as i read it, i thought it was simply too cool for me. and then i realized that's been an integral part of my personality for a long time: i think most things are too cool for me. i stopped reading tintin when i was little because i just couldn't take its coolness.

but lemonaide thinks tintin is the coolest comic ever, too. so there.

**note: this is probably the first and last time i quote song lyrics here. i hate song lyrics in diaries. i just really needed to make a point about how 80s and summery bob seger is.

before // after

43 things