a r a j a n e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

oregon coast adventures // 2005-03-30

c and i just returned from our three day oregon coast mini vacation. i am, just now, picking sand out of my toes. our adventures included skee ball, kite flying, the air museum inside a blimp hangar in tilamook, nights by the fire in j & t's cabin in manzanita with many games of carcassonne and good books, and a multi-multi-mile hike around the island that once dreamed of being the atlantic city of the west coast that literally fell into the sea (over many years, that is), and now all that is left is a quiet bird sanctuary. we attempted to trek across the island from the neat and tidy trail to the ocean side to see if we could walk back the other way along the beach, but discovered a stormy, dark, windy, and frankly, scary looking scene that sent us meekly back to the other side. for a few moments i had visions of lord of the flies and other such horrific disasters. but we got safely back to the car and lived to tell the tale.

now i am tired and satisfied, and think that perhaps i'll be able to go back to school next monday just a little more relaxed and a little less uptight. but if only i could play skee ball all the time!

before // after

43 things