a r a j a n e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

personal bests // 2005-07-12

today i reached new lows of laziness along with some highs of ingenuity: c and i took three bags full of several-week-old-dirty-moldy-crusty-dishes from our apartment over to our new, empty house, where we put them in the dishwasher. imagine a person so lazy that she can't be bothered to wash a few dirty dishes by hand, but can pack a whole kitchen full of dishes into paper bags, layer them gently with newspaper so they don't break, bring them down to the car from a second story apartment, drive them across town, carry them into the house, load them into the dishwasher (two loads!), and unload them into the cabinets in the new house. i even baffle myself sometimes.

we still haven't moved yet (aside from the dishes), but have put some good mental energy behind the idea of doing it. but this morning we had a little south seattle tour and went to the environmental home center, home depot, rejuvenation, and a salvage store (which wasn't so great after all). we bought a 25 pound back of environmentally friendly joint compound thinking that we might be able to resurface the walls in our new house, but when we actually really looked at the walls and estimated our level of drive (see above paragraph) we decided that maybe the best thing to do would be to hire a professional to do this for us.

before // after

43 things