a r a j a n e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

the bikram yoga saga // 2002-04-29

at last, i finally went to bikram yoga! i should have felt a sense of accomplishment, and instead i felt like a tiny pile of doo. the workout itself wasn't quite so bad, though i kept wishing someone would open the window. but that would defeat the purpose, now wouldn't it? i don't think i've ever sweat so much in my entire life. and how am i to be expected to hold those postures when i'm so slippery i can't even grab and hold onto my own foot? i also kept hoping the instructor would keep walking by me so i could enjoy the tiny, tiny breeze created as he passed. now that's pathetic.

and then the rest of my saturday was shot. i can't explain how bad i felt. i went to get a juice with heidi post yoga, and i couldn't even put the straw in my mouth. c came to meet me and we were going to get something to eat, but i could hardly function. i just wanted to lie down and cry. it's like i was sick with a bad flu... but worse. we ate indian food that i barely enjoyed, went to guitar center so c could get a microphone pre-amp (talk about surreal--guitar center while dizzy and delirious is *not* fun), and finally went back to c's where i slept for nearly 4 hours. yikes. but then, when i woke up, i felt ok. i can't decide if i should go back again and give it another chance. maybe it's all about getting used to the heat. or maybe it's about not putting yourself through hell.

yesterday was much, much better. woke up late, had coffee, bagels, and eggs, lounged, played video games, and helped c clean. baked a strawberry mango cobbler. there's not much better than cutting up mango and licking the juice off your hand. we took it over to julie's where we sat on the porch and talked and ate and enjoyed one of the first sunny days all year. gary had us over for dinner, but both c and i were a little grumpy from the sun. but the dinner was delicious. lentil soup, avocado/tomato salad, bread, greek frittata, and baked peaches in marsala for dessert. wow.

moral: days spent eating delicious food, lounging, and socializing with friends are far better than those spent agonizing in a hot room, contorting one's body, and sending one's self into a dizzy haze.

before // after

43 things